Welcome to Thailand 1998. Download a larger image of above.
LSU Department of Neursourgery (Deepak Awasthi- staff and Greg Dowd- third year neurosurgery resident) recently visited Thailand to work with the neurosurgeon (Chaiwit Thanapaisal) at Khon Kaen University in Khon Kaen, Thailand.
Below you can see our memories of Thailand (just click on the smaller images to download a larger, more majestic image)- enjoy! Then enter Khon Kaen University to experience Neurosurgery in Thailand.

1.Bangkok skyline; 2.Babgkok sunrise; 3.Bangkok sunset at Wat Arun; 4.Emerald Buddha in Bangkok; 5.close-up of riverboat in Thailand; 6.figurine at the temple; 7.ancient city of Adhuya; 8.row of Buddha statues; 9.grounds at the summer palace of the King; 10.Thai delicacies; 11.our host in Bangkok- Rose Thanapaisal; 12. Dr. Greg Dowd handing out in Bangkok at the footsteps of Wat Arun; 13. Dr. Chaiwit Thanapaisal (right) and Dr. Deepak Awasthi at an ancient temple in NE Thailand; 14. The neurosurgery group takes a side trip to Laos; 15.elephant feeding time; 16.temple in Khon Kaen; 17.unique view of the temple in Khon Kaen; 18.sunsets in Khon Kaen

Enter Khon Kaen University (KKU) and explore neurosurgery in Thailand
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Thanks for visiting.
Dr. Chaiwit Thanapaisal can be reached at: Division of Neurosurgery; Department of Surgery; Faculty of Medicine; Khon Kaen University; Khon Kaen, Thailand; tel: 66-43-348-393; FAX:66-43-244-699; e-mail:chatha1@kku1.kku.ac.th
Kanokwan (Rose) Thanapaisal can be reached at e-mail:rose_thailand@hotmail.com